Perioral dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis is an acne-like skin disease that mainly occurs in young, female adults.

The skin condition is perceived as red rash with swollen, inflamed bumps called papules, typically located near mouth and chin, and occasionally cheeks. The condition may also occur around eyes. Perioral dermatitis is not a serious condition, and by using the correct products, it can be held under controll.
How does perioral dermatitis occur??
The exact cause of perioral dermatitis is unknown, but there are many theories. One theory is that this skin condition is caused by follicular fusiform, a type of bacteria. Avoid triggering factors such as topical cortinsone creams, excessive sun exposure, overly active treatments that irritate the skin barrier, and stress.

What characterizes perioral dermatitis?
- The condition is characterized by its “acne-like” rash on the chin and around the nostrils.
- Common signs are itching, blisters, a burning sensation, and dry skin in the affected areas, especially when applying creams or make-up
- Located around mouth, nose and chin. Occotunally it occurs around eyes.
- Mainly affect women, rarely men (we see more cases now than before)
- Flare-ups are completely normal
How to treat perioral dermaitits?
When treating perioral dermatitis, take into consideration that it should be treated as a sensitive condition using mild products and light moisturizers. Sulfur and Azelic-acid possess anti-inflammatory properties, while Niacinamide moisturize and strengthens the skin barrier. Avoid active ingredients such as fruit-acids and concentrated topical vitamin A, when the condition is active.

perioral dermatitis
1. Face Foam cleanser
2. SOS Paste (locally on break-outs)
3. Face Formula
1. Face Foam Cleanser
2. SOS Paste (locally on break-outs)
3. Face Formula
4. Balancing Hydration Cream